Monday 9 February 2009

old photographs

this is probably totally irrelevant, but i found some old photographs of my mother when she was a child/teenager and blogged them on myspace. these are my favourite 3.




i really love this last photo.

back on track

So I'd say I was pretty behind. The last two weeks have been pretty unsuccessful in terms of trying to get back on track with everything I missed last term and keeping up with what's happening this term. I have however been thinking a lot about "my world" and what it actually involves. I think the centre of my world is my mother, as I find that whenever something goes terribly wrong she's the first person I cry to for help, and the only person that knows me inside out and will support me no matter what. I think that everything else I consider to be important is sometimes superficial, pointless, a burden. I found out this week that my boyfriend had cheated on me. Obviously, this makes me feel pretty sad. It also made me realize that what I think is "my world" is constantly changing. I live in two different places, I constantly flit between one "life" and another. All the things and people I think I can depend on are ever changing. The only person I can count on as always being there is my Mother, and therefore I want her to be a focal point of this project. I think I'm going to find it hard to take photographs of her that aren't going to be seen as snap shots. I'm not used to shooting digitally, yet because I'm so behind and because I'm disorganized and have left my Canon A1 at Halls I'm going to have to. I hope that whatever happens I can at least generate a few high quality photographs that I am pleased with. Throughout the past two weeks I've been taking photographs of other things that I feel can also contribute to the person that I am. Here are some of the photos.

This is a picture of two of my housemates for next year. They're both called Jack, and they're both two of the nicest people I've ever met. We went to the pub the other day, and I took quite a few photographs of them much to their annoyance. However, I really like this one because of the movement. They're both laughing and appear to be happy. I think the movement adds to this sense of happiness within the photograph. Everything behind them is almost in focus, which I think could also show that when I'm with them their happiness draws me in, and they become a big part of my world.

This photograph was taken out of my parents bedroom window which looks out onto the street I live on at home. Originally I was just messing around with my camera, but I decided that I liked this photograph after I realized my reflection was depicted within the glass. The street looks bare and quite unappealing, but to me I find it comforting even when it looks so dull. I don't have photoshop at the moment, but if I did I'd like to edit this a little bit so that my reflection becomes more clear and stands out more within the photograph. I like how my reflection makes me sort of look like a ghost, which makes me feel like even when I'm not in the comfort of being at home there is still a part of me there.

I took this photo the other day after Nottingham seemed to be engulfed by major snow fall. I live in St Ann's which is pretty nasty, but I thought that after the snow fall it became kind of beautiful. This is the hill up to my halls, a representation of my world because it is somewhere I walk every day now. The two people pictured are two of my best friends. I like the light coming off the streetlights the most because I think it makes the photograph really atmospheric and an otherwise nasty place look beautiful and calm.